
Friday, 28 March 2014

My Xtra Math results

This is my xtra math results as you can see I still need to work on my math

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Procedural Planning Frame By Piripi

Title: Cinderella’s Spell
Cinderella really wants to go to the ball but she has to work very hard.Make a spell to send her to the ball.
You will need / equipment:
For this spell the fairy godmother needed three mice, six lumps of coal, juice from a lemon, an ogres tooth, petals from a fire flower, eighteen spiders legs, a ribbon from a princess’ hair and two apples.

Numbered steps:
1.Mix juice from lemon with petal from fire flower
2.grate coal and ogre’s tooth and add to lemon mixture.
3.cook mixture over hot flame for thirteen minutes.
4.add spider’s legs and apples.
5.sprinkle mixture over mice to turn them into footmen
6.pour over ribbon to turn into ball gown.

Closing paragraph / explanation:
Cinderella has gone to the ball. Don’t use the spell to much because their will be lots of women surrounding you for your spell.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

My Writing Tool kit

This is my groups writing tool kit that my reading group done to move to the next level

Monday, 17 March 2014

Being cyber smart

This is a cyber smart site that our teacher found so you to should be cyber smart

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What is Assessment? by Halatoa, Lani, Joshua, Efaraima, Donatalian, Piripi and Loti

The dictionary says assessment is the action of assessing someone or something. At school teachers use assessments to see what the students know and what they still need to learn. Are you aware that assessments used to be called tests. Things have changed since our ancestors went to school one hundred years ago. If you got lots of answers wrong you had to stand in the corner wearing a dunces cap to show everyone that you were that you got lots wrong in your tests.

At Panmure Bridge School we do assessments that tell us what level we are in Reading, Maths and Writing. We answer questions in Maths and Reading on our netbooks. Sometimes we do tests on paper like the IKAN test which tells us what we need to learn and achieve in Maths. It is easier to use our netbooks so we can delete any mistakes.

We do assessments so the teacher can help us with the questions we don’t know and this helps the teacher plan what we are going to learn. Making a mistake is ok because we can learn from each others mistakes.

Assessments help us learn new things and helps the teachers learn new things as well. Assessments show what level you’re at and what you still need to learn. Our marks let our parents know where they can help us with our learning at home.

Sometimes you do well and sometimes you make mistakes when you do assessments. You should always try your best and be focused on your work. Remember to read the questions carefully so that you answer the questions right.

My Fast Facts result's

Friday, 7 March 2014

My Extra Math Results

This is my Extra maths result's.I need to work on taking my time and I think im good at thinking fast sometimes.