
Friday, 21 June 2013

Information Report Agent of Change: Sugata Mitra

Information Report
Agent of Change: Sugata Mitra
What is the title of your information report?
Agents of Change can make a difference in children’s education
One person can change many lives like a person who opens the gate to learning or opens the future for education in places like India or Colombia maybe even Newcastle in the U.K.I’m talking about a great man called Sugata Mitra.He Introduced something called the hole in the wall which is a computer about 3 feet off the ground in a clay square.
Second paragraph:
Did you know that an agent of change is someone who changes childrens live by teaching english on computers to show that even though some children may  not be able to speak english and that some children do not  need teachers to speak english.He wanted to  students just to have access to the computers and just wanted them to learn without teachers in the way of the students learning.

Third paragraph:
The effect that this had on the village is that they never had a computer before and going to school without teachers might have been hard because this is because he wants to change others lives.He now wants to change lives by letting them do what they want.
Fourth paragraph:
This type of learning has worked because for example the have had praise from grannies in  New Castle.There are many other like aunties, uncles, mums, dad, there is even a grannie cloud.They communicate  over skype, they praise and encourage they don’t teach.
In the future I think that the teachers will be replaced by computers because the children work well when their in groups.


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